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Find your path through the sky
and change your destiny.

Image by Greg Rakozy

Psychoastrology Session

As a psychological scientist, I have been conducting research for years to explore the connection between ancient wisdom and human psychology. Over the years, I have discovered connections between astrology and psychology. 


On the day and hour we are born, a snapshot of the sky is taken. This is called a birth chart. The personal planets within this snapshot, the moon, the Sun, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Saturn, provide important clues about our personality traits and behavioral patterns. Especially, our moon sign provides us with a lot of information about our attachment style with our mother, our emotional reactions in relationships, and our emotional needs.


As written in the Ancient Greek temples, the most important task for a person is to know oneself. And our birth charts shed light on what is hidden in our unconscious/subconscious, the archetypal stories we bring with us when we integrate into this world, and what we need to do on our life path.


As both a psychologist and a psychoastrologer, I am delighted to offer you my counseling services that will help you make necessary transformations in your life, get to know yourself, learn your blockages, notice recurring patterns, and shed light on your relationship, self worth, and abundance (money) issues for better understanding.


In this counseling session, you can explore the behavioral and karmic and subconscious codes hidden within your birth chart, going beyond a classic birth chart analysis to conduct a deeper, spiritual, and psychological analysis. It addresses unresolved issues with parents, transmissions from the family clan, matters related to self-worth, femininity, masculinity, masculine and feminine perceptions, as well as various other issues and blockages, fostering awareness for the resolution of fundamental blocks and problems, and ensuring emotional balance by recommending blends of Bach Flowers suitable for analysis.


After this session, with the awareness you will gain, you can understand what you need to transform in your life and draw a more accurate roadmap for yourself.


Duration of a session: 50 min

Session Fee: 180 Usd

Remedy Bottle: Included to session fee

Shipping: (For USA) Included to session fee

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